Association Montessori Internationale – AMI

by 03 Jul 2023AMI Association Montessori Internationale, ORG Organization1 comment

Roll out the red carpet and cue the drumroll! We’re talking about the Association Montessori Internationale (AMI), the shining star in the galaxy of Montessori education. Founded in 1929 by the trailblazer herself, Maria Montessori, AMI is the grandmaster, the international authority on Montessori education. So, if Montessori were a movie, AMI would be the director, making sure every scene, every act aligns with Maria Montessori’s vision.

For nearly a century, AMI has been nurturing the growth of Montessori programs, training teachers to be the superheroes of the classroom, and supporting the development and education of children and young adults in settings as diverse as a rainbow. Whether in a bustling city or a quiet village, AMI’s influence touches every corner of the world.

But here’s the fun part: AMI isn’t just a Montessori organization. It’s a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) associated with the United Nations Department of Public Information since 1985 and an NGO in operational relations with UNESCO since 1962. So, you could say AMI is Montessori’s representative in the world’s most important international assemblies. In essence, AMI is the voice of Montessori, speaking loud and clear for a holistic approach to education, empowering teachers, communities, and above all, our children, to become the best versions of themselves. Now, isn’t that something to celebrate?